Dominican Republic

Wow! It has been a long time since I have been on here--it's about time for an update! A lot has happened since the last time I was on here...


Can I just share something with you, let you in on a little secret? CrossFit is hard! I can't really say much since I've been "hit and miss" at the gym lately (last semester of grad school and working full-time will do that to you!), but seriously. It's hard! There are a lot of positive things about CrossFit that keep me coming back--the feeling of completely dominating/crushing a workout, a new personal record, community, etc. But there are also a lot of things that make me want to give it up--heavy weights, struggling with a movement and having a workout program that movement heavily (I'm looking at you thrusters and wallballs!) I've had to write on a white board "Yes you can!" because I wanted to quit mid-workout. So why do I keep doing it? Simple: because I know it's good for me to stretch and grow myself physically and mentally. I want to be in shape and prepared for whatever challenges I may have to face.

You know what else is hard? Being a Christian. There's a lot of days when I get discouraged and mess up and living within God's guidelines means saying "no" to something I would rather say "yes" to. I get beaten down by my own sin and discouragement, and I face attacks from Satan (those whispers of "you can't do this," "you're not good enough," etc). Take for instance this verse:
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." --Mark 10:21
Or this verse:
Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." --Matthew 19:21
One more:
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." --Luke 18:22
That's not to mention all of the verses that talk about denying self and taking up your cross to follow Jesus. But seriously, does Jesus really mean I have to sell EVERYTHING and go and follow Him? For most people, maybe not. We need people to have things like houses, furniture, cars, etc to be His hands and feet to the less fortunate. For me on the other hand, I have recently been called to do (almost) literally just that--sell everything to follow Jesus.

I announced it on my Facebook page awhile ago, and announced it as part of my testimony in church yesterday, but just in case you missed it. A couple of months ago I was called by God to sell my house, car, and most of my stuff to follow Him to the Dominican Republic. I will be serving as a therapist at a Christian therapeutic boarding school called Caribbean Mountain Academy (CMA) and ministering to broken teens, hopefully being used by God in a ministry of healing and redemption. I will post more details here later, and this blog will begin to serve as an update for how that ministry is going. I will also be sending out newsletters and updating my Facebook page as well.

Please pray for me--this is very much outside of my comfort zone. One of my friends told me that this was not just outside my box, but across the ocean from my comfort zone (both literally and metaphorically!) I am equally excited and terrified, but pray that I dwell on all the possibilities of how God can use me.

Also--I need your help! This is a missionary position (read: unpaid) and so I need to raise support for my time down there. I have estimated about $4500 in one-time donations for flights down there and moving and purchasing a small bike/motorcycle to be able to get around, plus an additional $1000/mo for living expenses while I'm down there. If you are a part of my church, please talk to myself of Pastor Rob about helping to support me. Otherwise, please feel free to hop over to this page: and scroll down to find my lovely mug. ;)

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and consider supporting me through prayer and/or financially!

In Christ


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